Monday, May 22, 2023

Sweet Home Indiana

On Sunday, May 7th I left Indiana. I wasn't planning to. Things just started to happen very gradually until one day, there I was, hauling my own behind and my dog's out West (with the help of my friend and driving companion, M, to whom I am forever grateful). "How can you uproot yourself and move across the country without meaning to?" you might ask. A very good question. 

So, first of all, I'm married. And second of all, my husband and I are both very work conscious, not in an overboard, workaholic type way. We just like to work and be challenged and (yes) needed at work. Well, my spouse started making sounds about that whole thing not going so well for him. So we talked and I said, "Sure, see what's out there. In the meantime just give it your all at your current job and maybe things will improve." 

A few months went by. There was some grumbling coming from my guy, but nothing dramatic. Then there was that email. It said, "We think we have have a role for you here, in San Diego" and "can you come for an interview?" Okay, fine, I offered. Check it out. What's the harm? We can always decline. So that all happened, and then a little waiting, and suddenly we have a choice to make: yes or no? San Diego or stay in Carmel Indiana, where we've lived for 11 years. Where we have friends. Where we mostly raised our two sons. Where I have a really nice job, and sing in a world class symphonic choir. Wait a minute! Are we really leaving? How did we get here? 

My dear husband and I have moved across the country 4 times. You can see how we get into to this mess! We are just so darned open to something new. That said. It's been great. When we moved from the Bay Area to Indiana in 2012, we had no way of knowing the riches we would find there. It was vastly different and beautiful in new ways we could never have predicted. 

I've been here in San Diego a week and half. I expect we will find new and beautiful experiences here that I cannot foresee. So, I guess I'll keep you posted! 

And Indiana? Thanks for being such a sweet home to us for so long!

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